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Top Garden

Front house

Front house in sunlight

Front door

Front path & garden

Rowland and side garden

Packing Shed

Top Garden 4

Top Garden

Front house roses

Garden Flowers 3

Top Garden 2

Top Garden 3

Garden Flowers 1

Garden Flowers 2

Roses 1

Roses at west entrance

More roses

Roses 2

Working inside shed

Front entrance

House and shed

Front garden

Paint west wall 1

Paint west wall 2

Paint west wall 3


Rose archway

Shed and water tank

Packing Shed 2

Packing shed back entrance

Side of shed

East side of house

East side steps & plants

East garden and front fence

Front fence & blossum

Front fence

Driveway & east side of top garden

Driveway 1

Driveway 2

Driveway 3

Jasmine on shed

Roses outside clinic

Crepe myrtle in autumn

Green and golden leaves

Garden from back verandah

Evening sky

Garden from west verandah

Pride of Madeira (Echium candicans)

Roses from west verandah

Rear of house from drive

Roses, sky & shed roof 1

Roses in bloom

Roses, sky & shed roof 2

Roses from west veranda

Native in flower1

Native in flower2

New Holland Honeyeater

Rear of house

The House
The house was built in about 1940 as the main dwelling for the owner of the apple orchard. Over the years the back of the house has been rebuilt and extended. The house was chosen because the design of the front part made it perfect for an Osteopathic clinic and waiting room and because patients would not need to walk through the living area to get to the clinic. The incredible view over the valley from the back of the house was an asset but the back garden with its steep hillside facing away from the sun was not desirable. To turn it into a productive piece of land was a serious challenge but it was a challenge that I was willing to take up.
The Shed
At the top of the hill on the western side of the property was a large shed. It had been an apple packing shed for much of the first half of the twentieth century. The hilly terrain around Bridgetown did not lend itself to mechanisation and the apple industry moved to areas in the Southwest of Western Australia that are flatter such as Donnybrook and Manjimup. The shed measured 19 metres by 16 metres. Divided into three areas it became a tool and work shed, a film studio, an art studio, a garage for the car and a storage area for timber, various work materials, firewood and water.
Rainwater tank
Two large rainwater tanks were installed inside the shed to collect rainwater from the extensive roof area above the shed. The water converged on gutters and pipes took the water to the tank. The water can be directed either to the laundry sink and washing machine for washing clothes and towels for the Osteopathic clinic or to the garden for watering the plants in summer. The water is not used for drinking.A tap is inserted to direct water away from the water tank and into the drains after the first rains, when the roof may be covered in dust from fires, leaf matter and bird droppings. The water system used two pipes connected in parallel. One pipe took water from the tank to the laundry and irrigation and the other pipe took water from the mains water supply in the house to the tank. This meant the tank could be topped up for use in an emergency for putting out a fire and it was always at least half full. This is to insure against a drop in mains water pressure during a fire.


Small House

House & little house

House & shed

Rear view with rainbow

Little house & sand pit

Tree cut 1

Tree cut 2

Tree cut 3

Tree cut 4

Tree cut 5

Logging 1

Logging 2

Logging 3

Bird bath and new garden

Bird bath and frames for garden

Bird bath cut

Logs 1

Logs 2

Varnished logs for steps

Rowland and steps

Back garden

Back garden & bird bath

Top Garden bird bath

First veggies

Silver beet

Lawn, bird bath & veggie garden

Varnished bird bath 1

Varnished bird bath 2

Varnished bird bath 3

Rainbow over back garden

Bird bath regrows

Whipper snippering around roses 1

Whipper snippering around roses 2

Rainbow 2

Bird splash 1

Bird splash 2

Bird splash 3

Tree & groundcover

Veranda 1

Veranda 2

Raining over valley

House from middle garden

House and new citrus tree


Overlooking valley

Vegie garden and bird bath

Pruning bird bath 1

Pruning bird bath 2


Vegie garden

Spinach, rocket and herbs


Nirada & wisteria on veranda

Lawn & garden 1

Lawn & garden 2

Lawn & garden 3

Lawn and bird bath

Driveway around back garden

Lawn and vegie garden

Mist beyond garden

Compost and mulch pile

Rainbow over valley

Driveway & back lawn

Early morning fog and frost

Bird on side of bath

Lawn from back veranda

Evening clouds & top garden

Evening clouds & top of middle garden


Mulch, woodchips and sawdust

Woodchips for mulch

Lawn and vegie garden

Wisteria flowers

Pride of Maderia

House & back lawn

Evening valley

Woodchips for mulch

Back lawn & washing

Lawn & washing

Propagating natives

The top garden is flat and at the top of the hill. It covers an area 55.6 metres wide by 65 metres long and contains the house, shed, circular driveway, parking bay, part of the access road to the bottom garden, paths and garden with mixed native and non native plants – vegies, berries, herbs, some fruit trees and an area of lawn. The top garden had been established by the previous tenants with mixed success. Some of the trees were too big. A large Jacaranda tree for example had to be cut back every couple of years because its branches obstructed phone lines and electricity cables.At the back of the house in the middle of the lawn there was a sand pit for children to play in. It was defined by four thick wooden planks that made the perfect borders for a vegetable garden. It was in full sun most of the day and near enough to the house for easy access for picking the vegies fresh, straight on your dinner plate like tomatoes, lettuce, rocket, spinach and a few herbs. The vegetable garden was small but compact and contained a wide variety of mixed plants. My philosophy was to build a garden that was easy to maintain and not become a slave to my garden. The orchard would be the mainstay of my garden – fruit, nuts and berries that could be eaten fresh or preserved for consumption over winter. The compost and mulching areas are also located at the far end of the top garden, near the middle garden.